Just Monday? Thank goodness for modern technology. I can see only being able to do wash once a week as a pioneer. Heating water, shaving soap, boiling the laundry, rubbing out the stains, scrubbing on the washboard, rinsing, and hanging to dry would be an all day chore. Fortunately (unfortunately?), for me, I can accomplish more on a Monday.
Here's my busy schedule. Boy, I'm so glad I don't have friends to tie up my day.
Monday - Master Bedroom
Pick up
Strip bed
Spray (Oust/Lysol) pillows and mattress
Gather laundry
Unload dishwasher
Start laundry
Vacuum (do stairs on my way up)
Switch/Fold/Put away laundry as needed
Enter coupons on my have/wish lists @ HCW
Menu plan (Wednesday - Tuesday*)
The first Monday of the month I will clean the mater bedroom walls, blinds, baseboards, and fans.
*Grocery store sales run Tuesday through Wednesday. I'll shop on Wednesday and this way I get out when the sales are fresh.
I'm also going to figure out a schedule for the things I love. I think Mondays will be my day to focus on new recipes since it's already menu planning day.
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
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