02 October 2008

washing my hair? watching a debate?

Which excuse should I use for not going to PTO this evening?

We're going even though I wish we weren't. The Baron needs to relay information about the haunted house aka haunted field tent he's suddenly found himself organizing. I am supposed to show up and dazzle them with my many sources who are clamoring to be vendors at the Fall Festival.

Thanks to helpful fellow PTO members I had a list of 20 names. The only thing is, I haven't heard back from anybody. Okay, there was that one lady who said, "maybe next year" and the other lady who has moved half a continent away since the PTO acquired her business card, but other than those two, I've got zip. Oh yeah, I told them I had no contacts, no resources, which was my way of saving some dignity. Maybe I should have said I have no friends, no social connections, then I wouldn't be the Chairperson of the Craft Fair at the Fall Festival. Could I be any more pathetic?

01 October 2008

won't you be my neighbor?

But, I am your neighbor.

I walked to the block mailbox today with the wee one. It's the same mailbox I've walked to 200 or so times in the year we've lived here. There is a house right in front of the mailbox. Today, I encountered the lady of the house for the first time. She was very friendly. We chatted about the bad reputation of the nearest school and how expensive the alternatives are. She invited us to her child's birthday party that's on the same day as our big kid's birthday party. She also asked if we'd just moved in.