07 November 2008

wheel of fortune

The wheel is in Hawaii. It made me cry. Okay, so I didn't cry but I did shed a tear and feel a lump in my throat. My chest got tight and stuff, too.

06 November 2008


I love my dishes. I went with the basic rainbow approach and purchased scarlet, tangerine, sunflower, shamrock, peacock, and heather. They were my Birthday/Christmas present last year.

The dishes we had before were ho-hum Pfaltzgraff "Hopscotch" pattern from 12 years prior. They were white with a blue checkered border and varying pieces of fruit painted in the middle. The perfect blah dishes for a blah me.

The Fiesta appeals to the hidden, chaotic me. I find great pleasure in the table set with a red plate and peacock bowl resting on a yellow place mat. I have dreams of using these dishes when we have friends over for dinner. Anybody know where I can get a rainbow of friends?

The amazing place mats are from Kohl's. They were a clearance item that I found this summer. Granny and I stumbled on them when she was here last month and I stocked up. They are too perfect.

why i need my husband

I am a terrible parent on my own. I love the age gap between the big kid (6) and the wee one (18 months) most of the time. It gets rough when the big kid gets home from school and needs to do her homework. She's had to tell the teacher, "My sister ate my homework," more than once. We manage to complete the work, but it arrives a little bit crumpled and occasionally, with a few holes.

After dinner, which is prepared hastily with a whiny, clingy baby clawing at my thighs, we need something to keep us entertained. I feel unfulfilled after an evening of grab-what-I-can-and-throw-it-or-hide-it-or-eat-it and Webkinz. For the record, the big kid rarely plays the online games. She gets together with her friends (she has more than me) and they play modern day Barbies.

The Baron calls every evening from his temporary, two week, job site. It's hard to connect when the big kid and the wee one are chattering in the background. We can't really talk once they are in bed because I'm so exhausted, I'm asleep by 8pm.

Coming soon, pics of my Fiesta dishes. It is a testament of how far I've come in my matchy-match ways and makes me smile.

04 November 2008

Go Vote!

02 November 2008

today's haul

18 boxes of Celestial Seasonings tea - check
18 packages of Schick Quattro disposable razors - check
14 packs of gum in a variety of flavors - check
money spent - 0.00 plus tax (damn that sales tax!)

I'll have silky smooth legs, minty fresh breath, and a steamy hot cup of tea to keep me relaxed this winter.

I also picked up some essentials for next years haunted house and yard decor.

severed leg - check
giant skull head with gauze body - check
skull light stakes - check
"floating" ghost and 25 foot wire - check
bag o' eyeball bouncy balls - check

We haven't heard anything about the yard contest we were hoping to win. We received a lot of praise in passing from children and their parents on Halloween. I didn't get pictures. I'm terrible, I know.