We'll homeschool and I'll buy a ready to use curriculum. We'll homeschool and I'll piece together a curriculum. I'll re-do first grade. She'll have a good foundation when we start more difficult math and cursive in second grade. Plus, she'll be at the "real" academic level for her age since we put her in "early." I'll start with second grade because she could get bored if we re-do first. If we can pull her out now, I'll do first grade up until August and then start second. I want to do a classical education and have no problem with the christian-laced curriculum. The Baron doesn't want her whole education full of God. Nevermind that she is currently enrolled in Catholic school and we aren't Catholic. I'll leave her in private school. I'll pull her out now assuming I haven't signed a contract. I'll start next year.
On a less insane note, this was an exchange between the Baron and the big kid in the car a couple of days ago.
The big kid, playing with a tiny stuffed penguin: La, la, do, do... (general noise and happiness)
The Baron: Hey, big kid, how do you sPell penguin?
The big kid: You catch him, lift his wing and smell.
The Baroness and Baron look at each other, puzzled. They both realize at the same time she thinks he said sMell, not sPell. Not sure why I would have to bury my face in a penguin armpit to get an good sniff...
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago