Don't I wish? I did my activity for the day, bargain shopping, and was up at 5:30 while sale items were still in stock. I came home, had some bland banana bread, and then headed out the door to buy papers. I normally would have done that while I was out but I forgot my quarters. The paper was
terrible today. No good coupons at all. One bonus, I only bought 2 of each so I'll have less coupons to cram in my organizer.
When I came home from buying papers (and swinging through the Winn Dixie parking lot - no stray cats today

), I started on my car. Did I mention it's been a looong time since I cleaned my car? Let me give you an idea how long. Last year, we bought a car cleaning gift set on clearance after Christmas. I opened it for the first time, today.
Sunday - Cars
Clean out cars
Wash cars
Fill up
Check tire pressure
Clip coupons
File coupons
Clean out fridge
I will get my oil changed and pull expired coupons, as needed.