I'm in a rut and can't keep up with things. What kind of rut could I be in, you ask? The kind of rut that makes one lose one's mind. I am in the middle of contemplating homeschooling the big kid. This would mean a lot of changes (all for the better if I can give in to them) in our daily routines.
I shouldn't even be uttering the words "home school" when I've barely scratched the surface. On to other things...
We made church windows. I don't have photos of the finished craft. The piles of delicate, colorful tissue paper make me happy anyway.

I used the mandoline/mandolin/Benriner again. I sort-of kind-of followed this recipe for
Yukon Gold Potato Gratin. It was good. It may have been better with a stronger cheese.

This is proof of how very different the wee one is from the big kid. The big kid never differentiated between bread and crust. The wee one is a finicky eater.