20 February 2009
mardi gras

18 February 2009
quick tip

is this thing on?
Here they are, after sitting in the window sill for a few hours on day 5. They almost fill the container.
This is after they've been plopped into the salad spinner for their de-hulling and refreshing rinse.

They've been spun and dried and arepatiently waiting for an avocado and some swiss cheese to create a tasty, happy family in a bun.
What you see before you now is a well loved cabinet. It was the bottom half of an inexpensive china cupboard purchased over ten years ago, at Walmart, of all places. It's currently home to toys and puzzles.
This is the top (ignore the clutter inside, please) that the Baron has hung in our laundry room. It sits over my sewing table and houses stationary, spare school supplies, plus some odds and ends.

I haven't felt like sewing so I'm taking advantage of the cool weather. I've wanted to repaint the cabinet for over a year. These are the drawers to the bottom piece, waiting to be reunited with their brightly painted pals.

16 February 2009
off to a slow start
I'll delight you with a hodge podge of blah, today.
The big kid is apparently pursuing a career in comdey. Even though I am on a six month drug-store/slick-dealing hiatus, my fondness for such things are front and center in her little mind.
Big Kid: Why did the hampster cross the road?
Me: Why?
Big Kid: To get to Walgreens.
I've been growing sprouts this weekend. I purchase this fun leafy green starter kit from SproutPeople a few months ago. I've neglected this little hobby for a few weeks and wanted to get back to it. Here on some photos of their progression from soaking seeds to day three. I'll snap another picture after they have sat near the window for a few hours on day five.
Here we have the sprout seeds, I believe it's Nick's Hot Sprout Salad, in their first stage, soaking.

I'm envisioning something tasty, like this veggie sandwich I made a few months back, when I first received the kit. I've learned I really enjoy the radish sprouts. There is something irresistable about that tiny sprout, with it's cute little red tinged root.
Last, but most expensive of all, is my desire for a Learning Tower. The wee one and the big kid both like to be in the kitchen. The big kid can help as long as she has a little boost from a step stool. The wee one, on the other hand, is constantly under foot. She wants to see the toaster toasting, the mixer mixing and the water running. The apple green Learning Tower will go perfectly with my Kitchenaid mixer in green. Plus, it's cheery, like my Fiesta dishes.
While doing a google search for deals, I came across Deal Seeking Mom's blog. I signed up for the giveaway and fell in love with the quick and easy deal highlights. I'm planning to make this a regular read. I don't have time to chase the deals like I used to. This way I can see if there is something I'm missing without wasting my every free moment on Slickdeals.