14 November 2008

heard it on the news

Walmart's sales are up because Americans can't afford to shop anywhere else. First, ::barf:: and second, it's just not true! I'll admit it's easier to shop at Walmart and not deal with coupons or looking at sales in other stores. It's not always cheaper. One of the things I've loved, since I started clipping coupons and paying better attention, is that I rarely shop at Walmart anymore. That place is nauseating. It makes me feel like I'm drowning in light and noise. Even the wee one "oooh's and ahhh's" when we enter the plastic palace. She's familiar with the quaint, cozy surroundings at our favorite Walgreen's or Winn Dixie.

If the general public wants to believe Walmart is the best and cheapest option, okay with me. It gives me better odds of stalking the deals around town.

13 November 2008

i want this

Reusable Bags has some great stuff and a lot of it is on sale!

little oatmeal date bites

I had three bags of dates (now I have two) that will expire this month. I got them (of course!) on sale for .99 and couldn't pass them up. They were too dry to eat out of hand. Nothing like the dates I used to buy in bulk at Down To Earth.

I went searching the WWW for recipes with dates and banans (I got a giant bunch for .39 because they were speckled.) I found this recipe for Healthy Banana Cookies. I read some of the reviews, made a few adjustments, and was very pleased. They get the wee one's approval.

I baked them on my Pampered Chef stone, in case you are wondering why my pan is so dirty.

My adjustments:
1/4 cup (measured whole) ground flax seeds
1/4 cup honey
1/2 cup applesauce in place of oil

want a challenge?

There must be somebody reading this because I see some of you have opted to follow my boring blog. I am proposing a kitchen challenge unlike most others.

In doing my regular Thursday kitchen cleaning, I've come across little treasures. Poor, neglected gadgets and novelties, covered in dust, live among my beautiful Fiesta. I want to make them feel loved. I already know which THREE items I am going to liberate next week. I challenge you to find at least one, maximum of three, of your own unattended cooking do-dahs and give them life. I'd love pictures, but a simple explanation in the form of a comment will work.

I'll post a reminder on Monday, which is when I am starting the challenge (and so are YOU.) I'll take snaps of mine, sitting sad and alone, as well as in use. I'm issuing a BOLO for fondue pots, bread machines, pasta makers and the like! Please, be my friend and participate.

12 November 2008

good deed

In my pursuit of cats last week*, I acquired two 10/75 and one 10/50. I went to Winn Dixie today to use the 10/50 on my purchases. I gave the cashier and the lady ahead of me each a 10/75. The lady in front of me had a giant stroller full of twin baby boys and used the cat on her $100+ total. We both left with a smile.

Vlasic stackers for $1.00 a jar, clearance Pampers (60ct) for $8.00, and free Crest toothpaste for troop boxes. Yay!

*Link added for explanation of "cats". :P

11 November 2008

remember those birds?

One of them pooped on me today. The best part? I didn't realize it until I'd walked around, grocery shopped, and came home to relax on the couch. There it was, just out of my peripheral, on the front of my shirt. Gross.

They targeted me on my way to a Mommy and Me type event. The wee one and I walked because it was a beautiful day. When we arrived, there was a sign on the door saying they were closed today. Gee, thanks. It started last week, on election day. Then this week was Veteran's Day. Whoever is organizing this thing is a moron.

Four more days until the Baron is home. I think I can. I think I can.

10 November 2008


I knew from previous memos home there was going to be a fund-raiser event at Chuck E. Cheese this week. What I didn't know was just how aggressively the school was going to pursue our attendance. I picked the big kid up and there, at the door, was a large t-shirt and sneaker clad rodent. He was waving and patting the children on the head as they exited the building. She emerged from the school wearing a smile and a coercive Chuck E. Cheese sticker promising 10 BONUS tokens if she attended this evening.

We aren't going. Bah-humbug.

judgements based on first impressions

I was that crazy lady, today. I was sitting on the couch, sipping some free tea, when I noticed a huge flock of birds taking flight outside. We have some pretty birds here but we rarely see them in any quantity worth mentioning. I quickly grabbed my camera and a sweater and the wee one and I went outside. It was roughly 48 degrees this morning and I didn't bother to put on any shoes. No big deal, I thought, because I was planning to stay right there and watch.

Fast forward 10 minutes and two blocks later, the wee one and I are across the street and into another neighborhood, following the birds. We're dodging bird poo. and rocks. and fire ants. and whatever other undesirable things come our way. All was well until, on our way back, I got a dirty look from a woman driving by. That look said, "What kind of mother are you? A baby in socks in the frigid morning air? Walking on dew soaked grass? And you, BAREFOOT? I never." I swear. The looks said all that in the nano second it took for her to drive past.

Did I mention the wee one was toting a baby wipe around, as well? That adds to the "trashiness" of the complete scene, don't you think?