Walmart's sales are up because Americans can't afford to shop anywhere else. First, ::barf:: and second, it's just not true! I'll admit it's easier to shop at Walmart and not deal with coupons or looking at sales in other stores. It's not always cheaper. One of the things I've loved, since I started clipping coupons and paying better attention, is that I rarely shop at Walmart anymore. That place is nauseating. It makes me feel like I'm drowning in light and noise. Even the wee one "oooh's and ahhh's" when we enter the plastic palace. She's familiar with the quaint, cozy surroundings at our favorite Walgreen's or Winn Dixie.
If the general public wants to believe Walmart is the best and cheapest option, okay with me. It gives me better odds of stalking the deals around town.
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2 weeks ago