Things are picking up. Routines are being honed. Structure is appearing. I'm trapped in the illusion that everything must be in order before I can start my crafty magic. The idea of adding bits of thread and snips of fabric to an already cluttered home doesn't appeal to me.
Another thing, my life is a little less bland these days. There is some sweet and some savory making their way in. I know I mentioned it before, but it doesn't look like it's going away. I have people to talk to. Literally "to" not "with" because after a year with nobody, I have a hard time shutting up. (No comments from those of you just itching to mention that I've ALWAYS talked too much, thankyouverymuch.) I promise I'll get better about the listening (see previous comment for those of you naysayers.) I have to, it's going to be part of the new me. You'll see.
After a year of super frugal living, an indulgence of various memberships have helped us get out of the house more. In meeting new people I've learned there are things to do here, even if they aren't advertised. Remember, I live in an area that was the landing strip for Katrina. There are still a lot of overgrown lots and mis-information about what is or isn't open and operating.
I hope to be back, in full swing, perhaps with a new twist on things, next week.
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago