With the new year just around the corner, I am doing a self evaluation of my coupon and stockpiling habits. My standard was to buy 4-6 papers. Always an even numbers in case of a buy one get one (BOGO) sale. I mainly focused on drug stores for the health and beauty aids. I would guess my current HBA supply will last me 2 years. At this point, I really could lay off on the CVS and Walgreens deals.
Since my yard sale didn't go as I'd hoped, I think my buy-extra-to-sell strategy is moot. I made approximately $100. It really should go towards the purchase of a chest freezer. That way, I can focus on food stock. I do worry about hurricanes and random power outages, though.
I'll try to get rid of the rest of my excess HBA at the spring yard sale. Until then, I'm going to limit my drug store shopping to money makers only. Frees will be fine if it's something I need.
Last thought on this, I may switch to only purchasing the coupons I need from clipping sites and HCW. There are so few coupons for foods that aren't crap, no point in having 90% of them go unused. Without the drug store coupons, the paper isn't worth the purchase price
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2 weeks ago