17 December 2008


Should I have added my blog to my facebook profile? Probably not. I was okay with those of you near and dear to me in recent years seeing my ramblings. I think most of my long lost friends remember that I have a penchant for sarcasm and drama. Hopefully, they make the connection that, while my life isn't 24/7 bliss, I am a happy person with a great family. Military life is challenging. Moving is stressful. Making friends takes time. I know these things but that doesn't make a funny blog.

I wanted to give a fuzzy update to why I pick up stray cats. I only do this when I think of it, when the weather is good (rain ruins cats), and if I plan to shop at Winn Dixie rather than the base commissary. A couple of weeks ago I found several $10/$75 cats. The next week, when I went shopping, I had a lot of fun walking up and down the check outs, glancing at people's totals, and essentially, giving them $10. It was one of my good deeds for the holidays.

15 December 2008

musing, grumbling, embarassment and a revelation...

...but they have nothing to do with each other.





I really use these words too much. It doesn't make any sense. I just wish I could quit using them. I don't even know how I got to be this way. Now the big kid is using them. Ugh. We're working on it together. She corrects me, which is as cute as it is obnoxious.

Do you consider pesticide and blank digital video tapes exotic? I've gone to the base store only 2 times in the past 6 months because they consistently don't have what I'm looking for. It's very close but not at all convenient. I am beyond frustrated. I want dead bugs and video of our kids at Christmas. Guess that's too much to ask. Bah humbug.

My debit card didn't work today at Winn Dixie. I was that lady, babbling, "I don't know why it isn't working," while trying not to look pathetic. It's payday. What the hell? I've been lazy and have used my debit card more than usual. Apparently checking won't pull from savings if checking is completely empty. This is why, normally, I only use cash. I use the debit card so infrequently, I don't even know the rules.

Why have I spent the last three years putting a flat sheet on the big kid's bed? She never uses it. By morning it has been kicked to the end of the bed where it dangles, inches from the floor. Today, I finally realized I don't have to put one on there at all! Duh! Let's see how long before I go crazy because the bed is incomplete.