Because I mentioned this long neglected blog to someone today, I thought I'd update. First, the websites that can get anyone up to speed on couponing, Hot Coupon World and Slickdeals' Drugstore/Grocery (brick and mortar) forum were my go-to sites.
I'm no longer clipping coupons or chasing deals. I eventually ran out of room to house all my deals. At this point, I've given a lot away because our time here is coming to an end. Who wants to move a crate of toiletries? Not me! Especially when there is hope that move could be to Italy or Spain.
Second, I'm happy to report that after a little (okay, a LOT) of patience and effort, I've once again found a groove. People who lift me up, hobbies that keep me going, and an appreciation of the time that passes; good or bad.
Needless to say, I won't likely be back to this blog to update. That's a good thing, I think.
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago