By the way, we do real dumplings. Not that biscuits-floating-on-top-of-soup business so many are fond of. I have an aversion to anything bread-like being left near moisture on purpose. Bread pudding? No thanks. Just 2 eggs and a 1/2 cup of flour, some salt and pepper, and dinner is served.
If I am staying authentic and have it on hand, whole allspice in with the chicken and broth is a must. Sounds weird, right? It's how granny always makes it. Yum. This is the same way granny makes her noodles, just add more flour, roll, cut and let dry. Depending on where you fall in my family, you may or may not serve the noodles, chicken, and broth over (ready for this?) mashed potatoes. Carbs galore.
lol!!! Jack thought I was nuts when we got married! I always served soup over mashed potatoes!! Ohhh sooo good!!! In fact I might do that again...
But there's no chicken in it!
I do bisquick dumplings :)
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