13 March 2009

my sanity on a leash

Things get really bad if (when) I "lose" my military identification. I can't buy groceries at the commissary. I can't get cheap gas. More importantly, if I'm off base, I can't get on base to go home. I have to call someone (you know one of my OODLES of friends who is willing to roll out of bed to come rescue me from the front gate) to vouch for my authenticity and then escort me home.

I don't actually lose it. Ninety percent of the time it's at the commissary. That's the only place I have to take it from it's regular spot and carry it anywhere. I must drop it in the shuffle of bags and kids. I am not a purse kind of gal. Even a wallet is too cumbersome for me. I opted for a lanyard. For the cost of one designer fabric lanyard on Etsy, I purchased enough materials to make ten. No, I don't need ten but that's not the point! I got the hardware from a dog collar supply site. Now, I can put my ID on a leash and throw it around my neck while I'm in the store.

I finished the other two hybrid kidlets last night.


Sadie said...

Your stuff looks so frickin' professional. You need an etsy shop. Seriously.

Tess said...

I agree! :)

First Star to the Right said...

Those kiddlets are really cute!