I'm sure that's what the people in my neighborhood were calling me today. Do you know what these are? They sang to me from the recycle bins. I have no idea what I'm going to do with them. If nothing else, the kids will enjoy using them in the sand and water table.
They could be cool parts on a robot costume, with led lights behind them!
Already we've discovered two "brands" fit together snug enough that we made maracas by adding some beans. The kids are having a blast stacking them and testing how they fit together. I couldn't resist the bright colors.
I got a ridiculously good price on detergent a couple of weeks ago at the store, so I bought two bottles of it. We already had two partially used that the owners of this house left behind. Then there was ANOTHER huge sale, so I bought two more bottles. So now I have six bottles of detergent--and now I know what to do with the caps when they are empty!! :)
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