27 February 2009

steamed fire ants with a side of spring greens

On one hand, these things are evil. They leave nasty, red bumps that itch and burn something fierce. On the other hand, as I tell the big kid, God created them to bite so they could protect themselves. If they are in my yard, they are fair game. Okay, so this is actually the neighbors yard, just over the fence aka too close to my yard.

I wish I would have taken a photo of the true before. This was after 3 pots of boiling water and a few days. Oh yeah...you should have seen me on my tip-toe trying to dump a stock pot of water on this mound of fire ants.

They are hard to see in this picture but the brown patches are acutally piles of dead ants from the previous attempts. Here they are, pot number four, steaming away. I doused them with one more pot and haven't seen any activity since.


Tess said...

What did you pour on them? When we lived in NC we had them ALL over! I hate them! I'll do anything to get rid of them.

Baroness of Blah said...

Just water...hot boiling water. I found the tip online. I use poison in areas the kids can't get to. I found the water tip somewhere online. The object is to boil the queen.

Sadie said...

"Next time you do your chicken cooking can you let us know how many pounds it was raw and how many cups you can get once it's pulled off? I need incentive to try this method."

I use a 10lb bag of frozen chicken leg quarters. This last time I got it on sale for 39c/ lb, or $3.90. It made 12 cups of shredded chicken (6 portions of 2 cups), and about 26 cups of broth (I used 6 that night for arroz con pollo, and packaged the rest in 10 2-cup portions). I have since used the shredded chicken in tortellini soup and on our pizzas, and am planning on using another pack this week for Chicken and Dumplings. If you figure the broth in as being free (this time I used bay leaves and black pepper for seasoning), then it comes out to 65c for each dinner's worth of chicken. You can also freeze smaller portions if you want to have a bit of shredded chicken to add to some Ramen for lunch or something! :)