20 November 2008

toothpaste and razors and pert, oh my!

Tomorrow is the big yard sale around these parts. I have a lot of health and beauty stuff I'm putting out. I'll try to get a picture in the morning. I'm hoping to make enough to get new phones for Christmas. If not, I'll dump the money in Paypal to fund my coupon/insert habit.

I would love the chance to look around for kid's clothes, too. I've been to some local resale shops and Goodwill but they are relatively expensive. Especially the resale shop. I can buy stuff on sale combined with % off coupons NEW for less than they want for used.

I'm doing terrible with my kitchen challenge and nobody else has jumped in either. :(

1 comment:

Sadie said...

Sorry about the kitchen challenge... I just don't have the time or energy to participate in that right now. I'm ready to pay someone to come get all of my laundry and dishes caught up on!