I am a terrible parent on my own. I love the age gap between the big kid (6) and the wee one (18 months) most of the time. It gets rough when the big kid gets home from school and needs to do her homework. She's had to tell the teacher, "My sister ate my homework," more than once. We manage to complete the work, but it arrives a little bit crumpled and occasionally, with a few holes.
After dinner, which is prepared hastily with a whiny, clingy baby clawing at my thighs, we need something to keep us entertained. I feel unfulfilled after an evening of grab-what-I-can-and-throw-it-or-hide-it-or-eat-it and Webkinz. For the record, the big kid rarely plays the online games. She gets together with her friends (she has more than me) and they play modern day Barbies.
The Baron calls every evening from his temporary, two week, job site. It's hard to connect when the big kid and the wee one are chattering in the background. We can't really talk once they are in bed because I'm so exhausted, I'm asleep by 8pm.
Coming soon, pics of my Fiesta dishes. It is a testament of how far I've come in my matchy-match ways and makes me smile.
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
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