Don't I wish? I did my activity for the day, bargain shopping, and was up at 5:30 while sale items were still in stock. I came home, had some bland banana bread, and then headed out the door to buy papers. I normally would have done that while I was out but I forgot my quarters. The paper was
terrible today. No good coupons at all. One bonus, I only bought 2 of each so I'll have less coupons to cram in my organizer.
When I came home from buying papers (and swinging through the Winn Dixie parking lot - no stray cats today

), I started on my car. Did I mention it's been a looong time since I cleaned my car? Let me give you an idea how long. Last year, we bought a car cleaning gift set on clearance after Christmas. I opened it for the first time, today.
Sunday - Cars
Clean out cars
Wash cars
Fill up
Check tire pressure
Clip coupons
File coupons
Clean out fridge
I will get my oil changed and pull expired coupons, as needed.
I bought two different newspapers and I also thought the coupons were crappy. I found that I can buy the Sunday newspapers on Saturdays. What kind of organizer do you take to the stores with you. I'm finding the little standard 13 slots rather frustrating with only two weeks worth of coupons.
Cel - I've got a post with you in mind. ;)
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