Here they are, after sitting in the window sill for a few hours on day 5. They almost fill the container.
This is after they've been plopped into the salad spinner for their de-hulling and refreshing rinse.

They've been spun and dried and arepatiently waiting for an avocado and some swiss cheese to create a tasty, happy family in a bun.
What you see before you now is a well loved cabinet. It was the bottom half of an inexpensive china cupboard purchased over ten years ago, at Walmart, of all places. It's currently home to toys and puzzles.
This is the top (ignore the clutter inside, please) that the Baron has hung in our laundry room. It sits over my sewing table and houses stationary, spare school supplies, plus some odds and ends.

I haven't felt like sewing so I'm taking advantage of the cool weather. I've wanted to repaint the cabinet for over a year. These are the drawers to the bottom piece, waiting to be reunited with their brightly painted pals.

The sprouts look delish! I love the colors you painted with!
Wow! I can't wait to see the finished product! For both! :)
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